chili oil.
Put it on anything. The origin of chili oil started as a method of preservation, as submerging chilies in oil was the most common method of having out of season chilies, year round.
Szechuan peppercorns:
Although named peppercorns they are not peppercorns at all. Instead they are actually the dried husk of a seed from a small native tree called “prickly-ash”, native to the Sichuan province.
Mala, (ma-la), numbing and spicy:
The tingling/numbing sensation caused by Sichuan peppercorns is often referred to as mala. This is caused by a compound called hydroxy-alpha-sanshool, which interact with the taste buds and nerve endings in our mouth.
oil infusion.
Combine the red shallots, garlic, coriander, sichuan peppercorns, cinnamon, cardamom & bay leaves together in a saucepan. Cover with 500mL of oil.
Set the heat to medium heat, until the aromatics are lightly bubbling away. More specifically the temperature of the oil should remain at a constant of 225-250°F. Do not allow the oil to get too hot as this will create rancid, bitter flavours.
Allow the oil to steep for 2 hours, remove the garlic and shallots if they start to become overly browned.
2. chili flake mix.
Combine the Sichuan chili flakes with salt, sugar, msg & black vinegar.
Add the 50mL of oil and mix, set aside.
3. finish.
Once the chili oil has finished infusing, increase the heat until the oil reaches a temperature of 300°F.
Place a strainer over your bowl/container containing the chili flake mix and one ladleful at a time, pour the hot oil onto the chili flakes.
After all the oil is added, add the sesame seeds.
Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature.
4. storage.
Store the chili oil in a non-reactive container, glass jars and plastic deli containers work best.
Store in the fridge for up to 6 months.
Use clean/dry spoons to prevent the oil from turning rancid.
500mL + 50mL neutral oil, (canola, peanut, vegetable, etc.)
3 small red shallots, crushed, unpeeled.
2 cloves garlic, crushed, unpeeled.
1 small knob ginger, peeled, sliced thin.
1 tbsp coriander seed.
1/4 cup sichuan peppercorns.
2 black cardamom.
1 Cassia cinnamon stick.
2 bay leaves.
1/2 cup Sichuan chili flakes, (Any Chinese chili flake will work, gochutgaru will work as well. Having a good mix of a few different chilies also works well.)
1/2 tbsp kosher salt.
1 tsp sugar.
1/2 tbsp Chinkiang vinegar.
2 tsp monosodium glutamate, (msg).
1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds.
heatproof bowl/container.
1 medium saucepan.
about 750mL of chili oil.